$LIBXC group          (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
    This group controls some variables while LibXC will be
called. The behavior when one of the next parameters is set
DFT group is not defined. Please, avoid to use it with
    It is dangerous to mix FMO code with LibXC interface
since some DFT variables are overridden in FMO code. So if you
want to use functionals from LibXC, please check your results
    Due to this group uses a non-standard input file reader,
the interface between LibXC and GAMESS can be compiled using
with the following compilers: GCC (since 5.0.0),
                              Intel (tested since 15.0), and
                              PGI (tested since 19.10).
The correct compilation is not guaranteed with lower versions
or with other compilers.
    If you want to use another compiler, which is not in this
list, please, verify that it supports the new Fortran 2008
allocate statement abilities (SOURCE=).
    - With PGI, Float-Point Exceptions are possible, so this
      compiler is not recommended
    - This GAMESS extension is not supported by the following
      compilers and their versions:
      1) IBM XLF (all version)
      2) GCC (before 5.0.0, e.g. 4.9.4)
    In citation, we recommend to specify used LibXC version.
    Citation of the interface:
      Igor S. Gerasimov, Federico Zahariev, Sarom S. Leang, Anton Tesliuk, Mark
      Introducing LibXC into GAMESS (US),
      Mendeleev Commun., 2021, 31, 302–305
      DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2021.05.008
        * * *      available keywords      * * *
    HFEX       = a ratio of exact exchange. By default, it
                     is set to zero.
    MP2        = a ration of non-local MP2 correlation for
                     both types of spins. By default, it
                     is set to zero.
    MP2SS      = a ratio of non-local same-spin MP2
                     correlation. By default, it is set to
                     zero. If it set and MP2 also set the
                     MP2 will not be rewritten and it can
                     lead to strange behavior.
    MP2OS      = a ratio of non-local opposite-spin MP2
                     correlation. By default, it is set to
                     zero. If it set and MP2 also set the
                     MP2 will not be rewritten and it can
                     lead to strange behavior.
                 If MP2SS and MP2OPP are equals, then
                     default MP2 will be calculated. In the
                     other case, SCS-MP2 will be used,
                     which does not allow to perform UHF
    FUNCTIONAL = a name of chosen functional. By default,
                     it is set to a blank line. If the
                     FUNCTIONAL keyword is not presented or
                     FUNCTIONAL=MIXED, the functional will
                     be constructed from groups related to
                     $LIBXC. Below the list of all possible
                     value is presented. In almost all
                     cases, the citation of those
                     functionals will be presented in the
                     LOG file, but we recommended to check
                     the literature by yourself.
LDA functionals:
               = SLATER      Slater exchange
               = TETER       TETER LDA functional
               = KSDT        KSDT LDA functional
               = GDSMFB      GDSMFB LDA functional
               = ZLP-20      Zhao, Levy, Parr LDA functional
GGA functionals:
  Physics-based functionals:
               = PBE         Perdew, Becke, Ernzerhof exchange correlation funct
               = PBEPBE      alias for PBE
               = REVPBE      revised PBE
               = RPBE        revised PBE with Pade Approximation
               = PW91        Perder Wang 91 GGA exchange correlation functional
               = AM05        Armiento & Mattsson GGA forsolid physics
               = PBESOL      PBE for equilibrium properties
               = WC          Wu & Cohen GGA functional
               = CHACHIYO    CHACHIYO GGA functional
  LYP group:
               = BLYP        Becke88 + LYP
               = OLYP        O + LYP
               = XLYP        Slater+B88+PW91X+LYP
  KT group:
               = KT1         Keal and Tozer version 1
               = KT2         Keal and Tozer version 2
               = KT3         Keal and Tozer version 3
  TH group:
               = TH1         Tozer and Handy v. 1
               = TH2         Tozer and Handy v. 2
               = TH3         Tozer and Handy v. 3
               = TH4         Tozer and Handy v. 4
  HCTH group:
               = HCTH93      HCTH fitted to 93 molecules
               = HCTH120     HCTH fitted to 120 molecules
               = HCTH147     HCTH fitted to 147 molecules
               = HCTH407     HCTH fitted to 407 molecules
               = HCTH407+    HCTH fitted to 407 molecules and something else
               = HCTH407P    alias for HCTH407+
               = HCTH-A      one of the first HCTH
               = HCTH-P14    HCTH p=1/4
               = HCTH-P76    HCTH p=7/6
  Minnesota group:
               = PBE1W       PBE fitted for water
               = MPWLYP1W    Also fitter for water
               = PBELYP1W    Also fitter for water
               = GAM         GAM from Minnesota group
               = MOHLYP      Functional for organometallic chemistry
               = MOHLYP-2    Functional for barrier heights
               = MOHLYP2     Alias for MOHLYP-2
               = SOGGA11     Second-order GGA functional
               = N12         N12 from Minnesota
               = HLE16       high local exchange from Minnesota group
               = EDF1        Empirical functional
               = NCAP        Nearly correct asymptotic potential + P86 correlati
               = HTBS        Haas, Tran, Blaha, and Schwarz
Meta-GGA functionals:
  Physics-based functionals:
               = PKZB        Perdew, Kurth, Zupan, and Blaha
               = TASK        Non-local functional for accurate bang gaps with PW
    TPSS family:
               = TPSS        Tao, Perdew, Staroverov & Scuseria
               = REVTPSS     revised TPSS
               = MODTPSS     Modified TPSS
               = TPSSLOC     Semilocal dynamical correlation
               = TPSS-LOC    alias for TPSSLOC
               = RTPSS       Revised TPSS by Garza, Bell and Head-Gordon
               = REGTPSS     Regularized TPSS
    Sun family:
               = MVS         MVS of Sun, Perdew, and Ruzsinszky
               = MVSB        MVSBeta of Furness and Sun
               = MVSB*       MVSBeta* of Furness and Sun
               = MVSBS       alias for MVSBeta*
               = MS0         MS of Sun, Xiao, and Ruzsinszky
               = MS1         MS of Sun, et al
               = MS2         MS of Sun, et al
               = MS2B        MS2beta by Furness and Sun
               = MS2B*       MS2beta* by Furness and Sun
               = MS2BS       alias for MS2B*
    SCAN family:
               = SCAN        Strongly Constrained and Appropriately Normed
               = RSCAN       regularized SCAN
               = REGSCAN     alias for RSCAN
               = R2SCAN      Re-regularized SCAN
               = REVSCAN     revised SCAN
    TM family:
               = TM          Tao and Mo
               = REVTM       revised Tao and Mo
  HCTH family:
               = TAUHCTH     tau-HCTH from Boese and Handy
               = THCTH       alias for TAUHCTH
  Minnesota family:
               = VSXC        VSxc from Van Voorhis and Scuseria
               = TPSSLYP1W   TPSSLYP fitted for water
               = M06-L       M06 without exact exchange
               = M06L        alias for M06L
               = REVM06-L    Revised M06-L
               = REVM06L     alias for REVM06-L
               = M11-L       local M11
               = M11L        alias for M11-L
               = MN12-L      MN12 without exact exchange part
               = MN12L       alias for MN12-L
               = MN15-L      MN15 without exact exchange
               = MN15L       alias for MN15-L
               = HLE17       high local exchange 2017
               = HLTA        Half-and-half by Lehtola and Marques with Meta-GGAi
hybrid LDA functionals:
               = LDA0        0.25HF+0.75Slater + 1.0PW_mod correlation
range-separated hybrid LDA functionals series:
               = CAM-LDA0    CAM-LDA functional
Global hybrid GGA functionals:
  Physics-based functionals:
               = APF         0.411*B3PW91 + 0.598*PBE0
               = B1WC        0.16HF+0.84WC + PBE_C
               = PBE0        0.25HF+0.75PBEX+1.00PBEC
               = PBE-25      alias for PBE0
               = PBE1PBE     alias for PBE0
               = PBE-33      1/3HF+2/3PBEX+1.00PBEC
               = PBE-38      3/8*HF+5/8PBEx+PBEc
               = PBE-3/8     alias for PBE-38
               = PBE-50      1/2HF+1/2PBEX+1.00PBEC
               = PBE-2X      0.56HF+0.44PBEX+1.00PBEC
               = PBE-3X      0.84HF+0.16PBEX+1.00PBEC
               = BHH         0.5HF + 0.5Becke88
               = B1PW91      0.25HF+0.75Becke88 + PW91C
               = B3PW91      original B3 functional scheme with PW91 correlation
  LYP family:
               = BLYP35      0.35HF+0.65Becke88 + LYP
               = B1LYP       0.25HF+0.75Becke88 + LYP
               = BHHLYP      0.5HF + 0.5Becke88 + LYP
               = B3LYP       Not working. See below
               = B3LYPV1R    Gaussian's version of B3LYP (VWN1_RPA)
               = B3LYPV3     B3LYP with VWN3 LDA corr. part
               = B3LYPV5     GAMESS-US's version of B3LYP (VWN5)
               = B3LYP5      B3LYP functional with VWN5
               = O3LYP       Hybrid functional for first‐row transition metals
               = X3LYP       For nonbond interactions and thermodynamic properti
               = REVB3LYP    Revised B3LYP
               = B3LYP*      B3LYP* functional
               = B3LYPS      alias for B3LYP*
               = B50LYP      0.5HF + 0.5Becke88 + LYP+VWN
               = B5050LYP    alias for B50LYP
               = KMLYP       Kang-Musgrave hybrid
  B97 family:
               = B97-1P      version of B97 by Cohen and Handy
               = B97         Becke 97
               = B97-1       Becke 97-1
               = B97-2       Becke 97-2
               = B97-3       Becke 97-3
               = B97-K       Boese-Martin for Kinetics
  Minnesota family:
               = MPWLYP1M    MPW with 1 par. for metals/LYP
               = MPW1K       mixture of mPW91 and PW91 optimized for kinetics
               = MPW1PBE     Becke 1-parameter mixture of mPW91 and LYP
               = MPW1PW      Becke 1-parameter mixture of mPW91 and PW91
               = MPW1PW91    alias for MPW1PW
               = MPW1LYP     Becke 1-parameter mixture of mPW91 and LYP
               = MPW3PW      mixture with the mPW functional
               = MPW3PW91    alias for MPW3PW
               = MPW3LYP     mixture of mPW and LYP
               = SOGGA11-X   SOGGA11 with exact exchange part
               = SOGGA11X    alias for SOGGA11-X
               = QTP17       global hybrid for vertical ionization potentials
               = EDF2        Hybrid empirical functional
               = HPBEINT     HPBEINT
               = CAP0        Correct Asymptotic Potential hybrid
               = WC04        hybrid fitted to carbon NMR shifts
               = WP04        hybrid fitted to proton NMR shifts
Range-separated hybrid GGA functionals:
  B97 family:
               = WB97        Chai and Head-Gordon
               = WB97X       Chai and Head-Gordon
  HSE family:
               = HSE03       the 2003 version of the screened hybrid HSE
               = HSE06       the 2006 version of the screened hybrid HSE
               = HSE12       by Moussa, Schultz and Chelikowsky
               = HSE12-S     by Moussa, Schultz and Chelikowsky (short-range)
               = HSESOL      HSEsol functional by Schimka, Harl, and Kresse
  CAM-B3LYP family:
               = CAM-B3LYP   CAM version of B3LYP
               = CAMB3LYP    alias for CAM-B3LYP
               = CAMH-B3LYP  CAM version of B3LYP tuned for tddft
               = CAMHB3LYP   alias for CAMH-B3LYP
               = RCAM-B3LYP  Similar to CAM-B3LYP, but trying to reduce
                                the many-electron self-interaction
               = RCAMB3LYP   alias for RCAM-B3LYP
               = MCAM-B3LYP  CAM-B3LYP for intramolecular charge transfer CT exc
               = MCAMB3LYP   alias for MCAM
               = TUNCAM-B3LYP     CAM version of B3LYP tuned for excitations
               = TUNEDCAM-B3LYP   alias for TUNCAM-B3LYP
               = CAM-QTP00   CAM-B3LYP fitted for water by Koopmans theorem
               = CAMQTP00    alias for CAM-QTP00
               = CAM-QTP(00) alias for CAM-QTP00
               = CAM-QTP-00  alias for CAM-QTP00
               = CAM-QTP01   CAM-B3LYP fitted for water by Koopmans theorem
               = CAMQTP01    alias for CAM-QTP01
               = CAM-QTP(01) alias for CAM-QTP01
               = CAM-QTP-01  alias for CAM-QTP01
               = CAM-QTP02   CAM-B3LYP fitted for water by Koopmans theorem
               = CAMQTP02    alias for CAM-QTP02
               = CAM-QTP(02) alias for CAM-QTP02
               = CAM-QTP-02  alias for CAM-QTP02
  LRC PBE family:
               = CAM-PBEH    CAM version of PBEH
               = LRC-WPBEH   Long-range corrected functional
               = LRC-WPBE    Long-range corrected functional
               = LC-WPBE     Long-range corrected functional
               = LCWPBE      alias for LCWPBE
               = WHPBE0      Long-range corrected functional by Shao et al
  Minnesota family:
               = N12-SX      N12 with screened exchange
               = N12SX       alias for N12-SX
  LC corrected:
               = LC-QTP      LC version of CAM-QTP
               = LC-BLYP     LC-BLYP
               = LB07        Livshits and Baer, empirical functional
Global hybrid meta-GGA functionals:
  Physics-based functionals:
    TPSS family:
               = TPSSH       hybrid TPSS    (0.1HF)
               = TPSS0       hybrid TPSS    (0.25HF)
               = REVTPSSH    hybrid revTPSS (0.1HF)
    Sun family:
               = MS2H        hybrid, based on MS2
               = MVSH        Hybrid, based on MVS
    SCAN family:
               = SCAN0       0.25HF + 0.75SCANX + SCANC
               = REVSCAN0    0.25HF + 0.75revSCANX + revSCANC
  HCTH family:
               = HYBTAUHCTH  hybrid t-HCTH
               = HYBTHCTH    alias for HYBTAUHCTH
               = HYB-THCTH   alias for HYBTAUHCTH
               = HYB-TAUHCTH alias for HYBTAUHCTH
               = THCTHHYB    alias for HYBTAUHCTH
               = TAUHCTHHYB  alias for HYBTAUHCTH
               = BMK         Boese-Martin for kinetics
  Minnesota family:
               = DLDF        Dispersion free functional
               = M05         M06 with 28% of exact exchange
               = M05-2X      M06 with 56% of exact exchange
               = M052X       alias for M05-2X
               = M06         M06 with 27% of exact exchange
               = REVM06      revised M06
               = M06-2X      M06 with 54% of exact exchange
               = M062X       alias for M06-2X
               = M06-HF      M06 with 100% of exact exchange
               = M06HF       alias for M06-HF
               = M08-SO      Intended for main group thermochemistry,
                                 kinetics and non-covalent interactions
               = M08-HX      Intended for main group thermochemistry,
                                 kinetics and non-covalent interactions
               = MN15        density functional with broad accuracy for multi-re
                                 and single-reference systems and noncovalent in
  Other functionals by Minnesota group:
               = PW86BC95    Mixture of PW86 with BC95
               = PW86B95     alias for PW86BC95
               = BB1K        Mixture of B88 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar
               = MPW1BC95    Mixture of MPW with BC95
               = MPW1B95     alias for MPW1BC95
               = MPW1B1K     Mixture of mPW91 with BC95 for kinetics
               = PW6BC95     Mixture of PW91 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar
               = PW6B95      alias for PW6BC95
               = PWB6K       Mixture of PW91 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar for
               = MPW1KCIS    Modified Perdew-Wang + KCIS hybrid
               = MPWKCIS1K   Modified Perdew-Wang + KCIS hybrid with more exact
               = B0KCIS      Hybrid based on KCIS
               = PBE1KCIS    Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof + KCIS hybrid
               = TPSS1KCIS   TPSS hybrid with KCIS correlation
               = X1BC95      Mixture of X with BC95
               = X1B95       alias X1B95
               = XB1K        Mixture of X with BC95 for kinetics
               = B88BC95     Mixture of B88 with BC95 (B1B95)
               = BBC95       alias for B88BC95
               = B88B95      alias for B88BC95
               = BB95        alias for B88BC95
               = B86BC95     Mixture of B86 with BC95
               = B86B95      alias for B86BC95
Range-separated hybrid meta-GGA functionals:
               = M06-SX      screened-exchange density functional for chemistry
               = M06SX       alias for M06-SX
               = M11         Intended for main group thermochemistry,
                                 kinetics and non-covalent interactions
               = REVM11      revised M11
               = MN12-SX     MN12 with screened exchange
               = MN12SX      alias for MN12-SX
Double-hybrid functionals:
               = PBE0-DH     0.5HF  + 0.5 PBEX  + (1-0.128)PBEC  + 0.128MP2
               = TPSS0-DH    0.5HF  + 0.5 TPSSX + (1-0.128)TPSSC + 0.128MP2
               = SCAN0-DH    0.5HF  + 0.5 SCANX + (1-0.128)SCANC + 0.128MP2
               = PBE-QIDH    0.69HF + 0.31PBEX  + (1-0.128)PBEC  + 0.128MP2
               = TPSS-QIDH   0.69HF + 0.31TPSSX + (1-0.128)TPSSC + 0.128MP2
               = SCAN-QIDH   0.69HF + 0.31SCANX + (1-0.128)SCANC + 0.128MP2
               = PBE0-2      0.79HF + 0.21PBEX  + 0.5PBEC  + 0.5MP2
               = TPSS0-2     0.79HF + 0.21TPSSX + 0.5TPSSC + 0.5MP2
               = SCAN0-2     0.79HF + 0.21SCANX + 0.5SCANC + 0.5MP2
               = B2-PLYP     0.53HF + 0.47Becke88 + 0.73LYP + 0.23MP2
               = B2PLYP      alias for B2-PLYP
               = B2GP-PLYP   0.65HF + 0.35Becke88 + 0.64LYP + 0.36MP2
               = B2GPPLYP    alias for B2GP-PLYP
               = B2T-PLYP    0.60HF + 0.31Becke88 + 0.69LYP + 0.31MP2
               = B2TPLYP     alias for B2T-PLYP
               = B2K-PLYP    0.42HF + 0.58Becke88 + 0.28LYP + 0.72MP2
               = B2KPLYP     alias for B2K-PLYP
               = MPW2-PLYP   0.53HF + 0.47mPW91 + 0.73LYP + 0.23MP2
               = MPW2PLYP    alias for MPW2-PLYP
               = MPWK-PLYP   0.42HF + 0.58mPW91 + 0.28LYP + 0.72MP2
               = MPWKPLYP    alias for MPWK-PLYP
user-defined functionals:
               Functional keyword is not presented
               = MIXED
    In this case, functionals can be constructed from other functionals.
For example, a functional with 30% of Hartree-Fock with 50% of PBE exchange
and 20% TPSS exchange with 100% of TPSS correlation is obtained with the
following input:
 $GGA_X  PBE=0.5  $END
Similarly, DH-DFT can be set. For example, PBE0-DH functional:
 $GGA_X  PBE=0.5     $END
 $GGA_C  PBE=0.0.872 $END
For using functionals from Hybrid groups (HLDA, HGGA, HMGGA),
full part of HYBRID DFT functional is required. For example, the setting
of PBE0 (also known as PBE1PBE) is the following:
Note, that functionals, provided by MIXED, extract only
exchange-correlation parts of functionals without any corrections,
like CAM, LC, or dispersion corrections.
$LDA_X      group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets LDA exchange
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        ERF                 = Attenuated exchange LDA (erf)
        RAE                 = Rae self-energy corrected exchange
        REL                 = Slater exchange with relativistic corrections
        SLATER              = Slater exchange
        SLOC                = simple local model for Slater potential
        XALPHA              = Slater's Xalpha
$LDA_C      group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets LDA correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        BR78                = Brual & Rothstein 78
        CHACHIYO            = Chachiyo simple 2 parameter correlation
        CHACHIYO_MOD        = Chachiyo simple 2 parameter correlation with modif
        GK72                = Gordon and Kim 1972
        GL                  = Gunnarson & Lundqvist
        GOMBAS              = Gombas
        HL                  = Hedin & Lundqvist
        KARASIEV            = Karasiev reparameterization of Chachiyo
        KARASIEV_MOD        = Karasiev reparameterization of Chachiyo
        LP96                = Liu-Parr correlation
        MCWEENY             = McWeeny 76
        ML1                 = Modified LSD (version 1) of Proynov and Salahub
        ML2                 = Modified LSD (version 2) of Proynov and Salahub
        OB_PW               = Ortiz & Ballone (PW parametrization)
        OB_PZ               = Ortiz & Ballone (PZ parametrization)
        OW                  = Optimized Wigner
        OW_LYP              = Wigner with corresponding LYP parameters
        PK09                = Proynov and Kong 2009
        PMGB06              = Long-range LDA correlation functional
        PW                  = Perdew & Wang
        PW_MOD              = Perdew & Wang (modified)
        PW_RPA              = Perdew & Wang (fit to the RPA energy)
        PZ                  = Perdew & Zunger
        PZ_MOD              = Perdew & Zunger (Modified)
        RC04                = Ragot-Cortona
        RPA                 = Random Phase Approximation (RPA)
        RPW92               = Ruggeri, Rios, and Alavi restricted fit
        UPW92               = Ruggeri, Rios, and Alavi unrestricted fit
        VBH                 = von Barth & Hedin
        VWN                 = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN5)
        VWN_1               = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN1)
        VWN_2               = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN2)
        VWN_3               = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN3)
        VWN_4               = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN4)
        VWN_RPA             = Vosko, Wilk & Nusair (VWN5_RPA)
        W20                 = Xie, Wu, and Zhao interpolation ansatz without fit
        WIGNER              = Wigner
$LDA_XC     group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets LDA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        GDSMFB              = Groth, Dornheim, Sjostrom, Malone, Foulkes, Bonitz
        KSDT                = Karasiev, Sjostrom, Dufty & Trickey
        LP_A                = Lee-Parr reparametrization A
        LP_B                = Lee-Parr reparametrization B
        TETER93             = Teter 93
        TIH                 = Neural network LDA from Tozer et al
        ZLP                 = Zhao, Levy & Parr, Eq. (20)
$HLDA_XC    group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets hybrid LDA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        LDA0                = LDA hybrid exchange (LDA0)
$GGA_X      group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets GGA exchange
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        AIRY                = Constantin et al based on the Airy gas
        AK13                = Armiento & Kuemmel 2013
        AM05                = Armiento & Mattsson 05
        APBE                = mu fixed from the semiclassical neutral atom
        B86                 = Becke 86
        B86_MGC             = Becke 86 with modified gradient correction
        B86_R               = Revised Becke 86 with modified gradient correction
        B88                 = Becke 88
        B88M                = Becke 88 reoptimized to be used with tau1
        B88_6311G           = Becke 88 reoptimized with the 6-311G** basis set
        BAYESIAN            = Bayesian best fit for the enhancement factor
        BCGP                = Burke, Cancio, Gould, and Pittalis
        BPCCAC              = BPCCAC (GRAC for the energy)
        CAP                 = Correct Asymptotic Potential
        CHACHIYO            = Chachiyo exchange
        DK87_R1             = dePristo & Kress 87 version R1
        DK87_R2             = dePristo & Kress 87 version R2
        EB88                = Non-empirical (excogitated) B88 functional of Beck
        ECMV92              = Engel, Chevary, Macdonald and Vosko
        EV93                = Engel and Vosko
        FD_LB94             = Functional derivative recovered from the stray LB9
        FD_REVLB94          = Revised FD_LB94
        FT97_A              = Filatov & Thiel 97 (version A)
        FT97_B              = Filatov & Thiel 97 (version B)
        G96                 = Gill 96
        GAM                 = Minnesota GAM exhange functional
        GG99                = Gilbert and Gill 1999
        HCTH_A              = HCTH-A
        HERMAN              = Herman Xalphabeta GGA
        HJS_B88             = HJS screened exchange B88 version
        HJS_B88_V2          = HJS screened exchange B88 corrected version
        HJS_B97X            = HJS screened exchange B97x version
        HJS_PBE             = HJS screened exchange PBE version
        HJS_PBE_SOL         = HJS screened exchange PBE_SOL version
        HTBS                = Haas, Tran, Blaha, and Schwarz
        ITYH                = Short-range recipe for B88 functional - erf
        ITYH_OPTX           = Short-range recipe for OPTX functional
        ITYH_PBE            = Short-range recipe for PBE functional
        KGG99               = Gilbert and Gill 1999 (mixed)
        KT1                 = Exchange part of Keal and Tozer version 1
        LAG                 = Local Airy Gas
        LAMBDA_CH_N         = lambda_CH(N) version of PBE
        LAMBDA_LO_N         = lambda_LO(N) version of PBE
        LAMBDA_OC2_N        = lambda_OC2(N) version of PBE
        LB                  = van Leeuwen & Baerends
        LBM                 = van Leeuwen & Baerends modified
        LG93                = Lacks & Gordon 93
        LSPBE               = lsPBE, a PW91-like modification of PBE exchange
        LSRPBE              = lsRPBE, a PW91-like modification of RPBE
        LV_RPW86            = Berland and Hyldgaard
        MB88                = Modified Becke 88 for proton transfer
        MPBE                = Adamo & Barone modification to PBE
        MPW91               = mPW91 of Adamo & Barone
        N12                 = Minnesota N12 exchange functional
        NCAP                = Nearly correct asymptotic potential
        OL2                 = Exchange form based on Ou-Yang and Levy v.2
        OPTX                = Handy & Cohen OPTX 01
        PBE                 = Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof
        PBEA                = Madsen 07
        PBEFE               = PBE for formation energies
        PBEINT              = PBE for hybrid interfaces
        PBEPOW              = PBE power
        PBETRANS            = Gradient-regulated connection-based correction for
        PBE_JSJR            = Reparametrized PBE by Pedroza, Silva & Capelle
        PBE_MOL             = Reparametrized PBE by del Campo, Gazquez, Trickey
        PBE_R               = Revised PBE from Zhang & Yang
        PBE_SOL             = Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL
        PBE_TCA             = PBE revised by Tognetti et al
        PW86                = Perdew & Wang 86
        PW91                = Perdew & Wang 91
        PW91_MOD            = PW91, alternate version with more digits
        Q2D                 = Chiodo et al
        REVSSB_D            = Revised Swart, Sola and Bickelhaupt dispersion
        RGE2                = Regularized PBE
        RPBE                = Hammer, Hansen, and Norskov
        RPW86               = Refitted Perdew & Wang 86
        S12G                = Swart 2012 GGA exchange
        SFAT                = Short-range recipe for B88 functional - Yukawa
        SFAT_PBE            = Short-range recipe for PBE functional - Yukawa
        SG4                 = Semiclassical GGA at fourth order
        SOGGA               = Second-order generalized gradient approximation
        SOGGA11             = Second-order generalized gradient approximation 20
        SSB                 = Swart, Sola and Bickelhaupt
        SSB_D               = Swart, Sola and Bickelhaupt dispersion
        SSB_SW              = Swart, Sola and Bickelhaupt correction to PBE
        VMT84_GE            = VMT{8,4} with constraint satisfaction with mu = mu
        VMT84_PBE           = VMT{8,4} with constraint satisfaction with mu = mu
        VMT_GE              = Vela, Medel, and Trickey with mu = mu_GE
        VMT_PBE             = Vela, Medel, and Trickey with mu = mu_PBE
        WC                  = Wu & Cohen
        WPBEH               = short-range part of the PBE (default w=0 gives PBE
        XPBE                = Extended PBE by Xu & Goddard III
$GGA_C      group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets GGA correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        ACGGA               = acGGA, asymptotically corrected GGA correlation
        ACGGAP              = acGGA+, asymptotically corrected GGA correlation+
        AM05                = Armiento & Mattsson 05
        APBE                = mu fixed from the semiclassical neutral atom
        BMK                 = Boese-Martin for kinetics
        CCDF                = ccDF: coupled-cluster motivated density functional
        CHACHIYO            = Chachiyo simple GGA correlation
        CS1                 = A dynamical correlation functional
        FT97                = Filatov & Thiel correlation
        GAM                 = GAM functional from Minnesota
        GAPC                = GapC
        GAPLOC              = Gaploc
        HCTH_A              = HCTH-A
        HTAU_HCTH           = correlation part of hyb-tau-hcth
        LM                  = Langreth & Mehl
        LYP                 = Lee, Yang & Parr
        LYPR                = Short-range LYP by Ai, Fang, and Su
        MGGAC               = beta fitted to LC20 to be used with MGGAC
        N12                 = Minnesota N12 functional
        N12_SX              = Minnesota N12-SX functional
        OPTC                = Optimized correlation functional of Cohen and Hand
        OP_B88              = one-parameter progressive functional (B88 version)
        OP_G96              = one-parameter progressive functional (G96 version)
        OP_PBE              = one-parameter progressive functional (PBE version)
        OP_PW91             = one-parameter progressive functional (PW91 version
        OP_XALPHA           = one-parameter progressive functional (Xalpha versi
        P86                 = Perdew 86
        P86VWN              = Perdew 86 based on VWN5 correlation
        P86VWN_FT           = Perdew 86 based on VWN5 correlation, with more acc
        P86_FT              = Perdew 86 with more accurate value for ftilde
        PBE                 = Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof
        PBEFE               = PBE for formation energies
        PBEINT              = PBE for hybrid interfaces
        PBELOC              = Semilocal dynamical correlation
        PBE_JRGX            = Reparametrized PBE by Pedroza, Silva & Capelle
        PBE_MOL             = Reparametrized PBE by del Campo, Gazquez, Trickey
        PBE_SOL             = Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof SOL
        PBE_VWN             = Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof based on VWN correlation
        PW91                = Perdew & Wang 91
        Q2D                 = Chiodo et al
        REGTPSS             = regularized TPSS correlation
        REVTCA              = Tognetti, Cortona, Adamo (revised)
        RGE2                = Regularized PBE
        SCAN_E0             = GGA component of SCAN
        SG4                 = Semiclassical GGA at fourth order
        SOGGA11             = Second-order generalized gradient approximation 20
        SOGGA11_X           = To be used with HYB_GGA_X_SOGGA11_X
        SPBE                = PBE correlation to be used with the SSB exchange
        TAU_HCTH            = correlation part of tau-hcth
        TCA                 = Tognetti, Cortona, Adamo
        TM_LYP              = Takkar and McCarthy reparametrization
        TM_PBE              = Thakkar and McCarthy reparametrization
        W94                 = Wilson 94 (Eq. 25)
        WI                  = Wilson & Ivanov
        WI0                 = Wilson & Ivanov initial version
        WL                  = Wilson & Levy
        XPBE                = Extended PBE by Xu & Goddard III
        ZPBEINT             = spin-dependent gradient correction to PBEint
        ZPBESOL             = spin-dependent gradient correction to PBEsol
        ZVPBEINT            = another spin-dependent correction to PBEint
        ZVPBELOC            = PBEloc variation with enhanced compatibility with
        ZVPBESOL            = another spin-dependent correction to PBEsol
$GGA_XC     group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets GGA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        B97_D               = Becke 97-D
        B97_GGA1            = Becke 97 GGA-1
        EDF1                = EDF1
        HCTH_120            = HCTH/120
        HCTH_147            = HCTH/147
        HCTH_407            = HCTH/407
        HCTH_407P           = HCTH/407+
        HCTH_93             = HCTH/93
        HCTH_P14            = HCTH p=1/4
        HCTH_P76            = HCTH p=7/6
        HLE16               = high local exchange 2016
        KT1                 = Keal and Tozer, version 1
        KT2                 = Keal and Tozer, version 2
        KT3                 = Keal and Tozer, version 3
        MOHLYP              = Functional for organometallic chemistry
        MOHLYP2             = Functional for barrier heights
        MPWLYP1W            = mPWLYP1w
        NCAP                = NCAP exchange + P86 correlation
        OBLYP_D             = oBLYP-D functional of Goerigk and Grimme
        OPBE_D              = oPBE-D functional of Goerigk and Grimme
        OPWLYP_D            = oPWLYP-D functional of Goerigk and Grimme
        PBE1W               = PBE1W
        PBELYP1W            = PBELYP1W
        TH1                 = Tozer and Handy v. 1
        TH2                 = Tozer and Handy v. 2
        TH3                 = Tozer and Handy v. 3
        TH4                 = Tozer and Handy v. 4
        TH_FC               = Tozer and Handy v. FC
        TH_FCFO             = Tozer and Handy v. FCFO
        TH_FCO              = Tozer and Handy v. FCO
        TH_FL               = Tozer and Handy v. FL
        XLYP                = XLYP
$HGGA_X     group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets hybrid GGA exchange
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        S12H                = Swart 2012 hybrid exchange
        SOGGA11_X           = Hybrid based on SOGGA11 form
$HGGA_XC    group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets hybrid GGA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        APBE0               = Hybrid based on APBE
        APF                 = APF hybrid functional
        B1LYP               = B1LYP
        B1PW91              = B1PW91
        B1WC                = B1WC
        B3LYP               = B3LYP
        B3LYP3              = B3LYP with VWN functional 3 instead of RPA
        B3LYP5              = B3LYP with VWN functional 5 instead of RPA
        B3LYPS              = B3LYP*
        B3LYP_MCM1          = B3LYP-MCM1
        B3LYP_MCM2          = B3LYP-MCM2
        B3P86               = B3P86
        B3PW91              = The original (ACM, B3PW91) hybrid of Becke
        B5050LYP            = B5050LYP
        B97                 = Becke 97
        B97_1               = Becke 97-1
        B97_1P              = version of B97 by Cohen and Handy
        B97_2               = Becke 97-2
        B97_3               = Becke 97-3
        B97_K               = Boese-Martin for Kinetics
        BHANDH              = BHandH i.e. BHLYP
        BHANDHLYP           = BHandHLYP
        BLYP35              = BLYP35
        CAP0                = Correct Asymptotic Potential hybrid
        EDF2                = EDF2
        HAPBE               = Hybrid based in APBE and zvPBEloc
        HFLYP               = HF + LYP correlation
        HPBEINT             = hPBEint
        KMLYP               = Kang-Musgrave hybrid
        MB3LYP_RC04         = B3LYP with RC04 LDA
        MPW1K               = mPW1K
        MPW1LYP             = mPW1LYP
        MPW1PBE             = mPW1PBE
        MPW1PW              = mPW1PW
        MPW3LYP             = MPW3LYP
        MPW3PW              = MPW3PW of Adamo & Barone
        MPWLYP1M            = MPW with 1 par. for metals/LYP
        O3LYP               = O3LYP
        PBE0_13             = PBE0-1/3
        PBE38               = PBE38: PBE0 with 3/8 = 37.5% exact exchange
        PBE50               = PBE50
        PBEB0               = PBEbeta0
        PBEH                = PBEH (PBE0)
        PBE_2X              = PBE-2X: PBE0 with 56% exact exchange
        PBE_MOL0            = PBEmol0
        PBE_MOLB0           = PBEmolbeta0
        PBE_SOL0            = PBEsol0
        QTP17               = Global hybrid for vertical ionization potentials
        REVB3LYP            = Revised B3LYP
        SB98_1A             = SB98 (1a)
        SB98_1B             = SB98 (1b)
        SB98_1C             = SB98 (1c)
        SB98_2A             = SB98 (2a)
        SB98_2B             = SB98 (2b)
        SB98_2C             = SB98 (2c)
        WC04                = hybrid fitted to carbon NMR shifts
        WP04                = hybrid fitted to proton NMR shifts
        X3LYP               = X3LYP
$MGGA_X     group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets meta-GGA exchange
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        BLOC                = functional with balanced localization
        GVT4                = GVT4 (X part of VSXC)
        GX                  = GX functional of Loos
        HLTA                = Half-and-half meta-LDAized LDA exchange by Lehtola
        LTA                 = Local tau approximation
        M06_L               = Minnesota M06-L exchange functional
        M11_L               = Minnesota M11-L exchange functional
        MBEEF               = mBEEF exchange
        MBR                 = modified Becke-Roussel by Patra et al
        MBRXC_BG            = Modified Becke-Roussel for band gaps - cuspless ho
        MBRXH_BG            = Modified Becke-Roussel for band gaps - hydrogen ho
        MGGAC               = MGGAC of Patras et al
        MN12_L              = Minnesota MN12-L exchange functional
        MN15_L              = Minnesota MN15-L exchange functional
        MODTPSS             = Modified Tao, Perdew, Staroverov & Scuseria
        MS0                 = MS exchange of Sun, Xiao, and Ruzsinszky
        MS1                 = MS1 exchange of Sun, et al
        MS2                 = MS2 exchange of Sun, et al
        MS2B                = MS2beta exchange of Furness and Sun
        MS2BS               = MS2beta* exchange of Furness and Sun
        MS2_REV             = MS2 exchange of Sun, et al with revised value for
        MTASK               = modified TASK exchange
        MVS                 = MVS exchange of Sun, Perdew, and Ruzsinszky
        MVSB                = MVSbeta exchange by Furness and Sun
        MVSBS               = MVSbeta* exchange by Furness and Sun
        PBE_GX              = PBE-GX functional of Loos
        PKZB                = Perdew, Kurth, Zupan, and Blaha
        R2SCAN              = Re-regularized SCAN exchange by Furness et al
        REGTM               = Regularized Tao and Mo exchange
        REGTPSS             = Regularized TPSS
        REVM06_L            = Minnesota revM06-L exchange functional
        REVSCAN             = revised SCAN
        REVTM               = revised Tao and Mo 2016 exchange
        REVTPSS             = revised Tao, Perdew, Staroverov & Scuseria
        RSCAN               = Regularized SCAN exchange by Bartok and Yates
        RTPSS               = TPSS for surface adsorption
        SA_TPSS             = TPSS with correct surface asymptotics
        SCAN                = SCAN exchange of Sun, Ruzsinszky, and Perdew
        TASK                = TASK exchange of Aschebrock and Kuemmel
        TAU_HCTH            = tau-HCTH from Boese and Handy
        TH                  = Tsuneda and Hirao
        TLDA                = LDA-type exchange with tau-dependent potential
        TM                  = Tao and Mo 2016 exchange
        TPSS                = Tao, Perdew, Staroverov & Scuseria
        VT84                = meta-GGA version of VT{8,4} GGA
$MGGA_C     group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets meta-GGA correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        B88                 = Meta-GGA correlation by Becke
        BC95                = Becke correlation 95
        DLDF                = Dispersionless Density Functional
        HLTAPW              = Half-and-half meta-LDAized PW correlation by Lehto
        KCIS                = Krieger, Chen, Iafrate, and Savin
        KCISK               = Krieger, Chen, and Kurth
        M05                 = Minnesota M05 correlation functional
        M05_2X              = Minnesota M05-2X correlation functional
        M06                 = Minnesota M06 correlation functional
        M06_2X              = Minnesota M06-2X correlation functional
        M06_HF              = Minnesota M06-HF correlation functional
        M06_L               = Minnesota M06-L correlation functional
        M06_SX              = Minnesota M06-SX correlation functional
        M08_HX              = Minnesota M08 correlation functional
        M08_SO              = Minnesota M08-SO correlation functional
        M11                 = Minnesota M11 correlation functional
        M11_L               = Minnesota M11-L correlation functional
        MN12_L              = Minnesota MN12-L correlation functional
        MN12_SX             = Minnesota MN12-SX correlation functional
        MN15                = Minnesota MN15 correlation functional
        MN15_L              = Minnesota MN15-L correlation functional
        PKZB                = Perdew, Kurth, Zupan, and Blaha
        R2SCAN              = Re-regularized SCAN correlation by Furness et al
        REVM06              = Revised Minnesota M06 correlation functional
        REVM06_L            = Minnesota revM06-L correlation functional
        REVM11              = Revised Minnesota M11 correlation functional
        REVSCAN             = revised SCAN
        REVTM               = revised Tao and Mo 2016 exchange
        REVTPSS             = revised TPSS correlation
        RSCAN               = Regularized SCAN correlation by Bartok and Yates
        SCAN                = SCAN correlation of Sun, Ruzsinszky, and Perdew
        TM                  = Tao and Mo 2016 correlation
        TPSS                = Tao, Perdew, Staroverov & Scuseria
        TPSSLOC             = Semilocal dynamical correlation
        VSXC                = VSXC (correlation part)
$MGGA_XC    group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets meta-GGA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        HLE17               = high local exchange 2017
        OTPSS_D             = oTPSS-D functional of Goerigk and Grimme
        TPSSLYP1W           = TPSSLYP1W
$HMGGA_X    group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets hybrid meta-GGA exchange
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        BMK                 = Boese-Martin for kinetics
        DLDF                = Dispersionless Density Functional
        M05                 = Minnesota M05 hybrid exchange functional
        M05_2X              = Minnesota M05-2X hybrid exchange functional
        M06                 = Minnesota M06 hybrid exchange functional
        M06_2X              = Minnesota M06-2X hybrid exchange functional
        M06_HF              = Minnesota M06-HF hybrid exchange functional
        M08_HX              = Minnesota M08-HX hybrid exchange functional
        M08_SO              = Minnesota M08-SO hybrid exchange functional
        MN15                = Minnesota MN15 hybrid exchange functional
        MS2H                = MS2 hybrid exchange of Sun, et al
        MVSH                = MVSh hybrid exchange functional
        REVM06              = Revised Minnesota M06 hybrid exchange functional
        REVSCAN0            = revised SCAN hybrid exchange (SCAN0)
        SCAN0               = SCAN hybrid exchange (SCAN0)
        TAU_HCTH            = Hybrid version of tau-HCTH
$HMGGA_XC   group        (relevant for DFTTYP=USELIBXC)
             (and also FUNCTIONAL is not set in $LIBXC)
    This group sets hybrid meta-GGA exchange-correlation
type of functionals with any coefficients as a double value.
Please, check the references of used functionals by yourself.
The available functionals in this group are next:
        B0KCIS              = Hybrid based on KCIS
        B86B95              = Mixture of B86 with BC95
        B88B95              = Mixture of B88 with BC95 (B1B95)
        BB1K                = Mixture of B88 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar
        MPW1B95             = Mixture of mPW91 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar
        MPW1KCIS            = MPW1KCIS for barrier heights
        MPWB1K              = Mixture of mPW91 with BC95 for kinetics
        MPWKCIS1K           = MPWKCIS1K for barrier heights
        PBE1KCIS            = PBE1KCIS for binding energies
        PW6B95              = Mixture of PW91 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar
        PW86B95             = Mixture of PW86 with BC95
        PWB6K               = Mixture of PW91 with BC95 from Zhao and Truhlar fo
        REVTPSSH            = revTPSSh
        TPSS0               = TPSS0 with 25% exact exchange
        TPSS1KCIS           = TPSS1KCIS for thermochemistry and kinetics
        TPSSH               = TPSSh
        X1B95               = Mixture of X with BC95
        XB1K                = Mixture of X with BC95 for kinetics
944 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Tue May 17 15:19:38 2022.